I love to walk.
One of my favorite places to walk
takes me past a creek not more than a quarter-mile from my house.
The other day, I as was walking,
I decided to stop and sit by the creek.
I crossed the bridge and followed an old dirt path down to the creek.
I found a flat rock big enough to sit on
and listened to the water running over the rocks in the creek.
The sound is so soothing and relaxing.
I sat sitting and skipping stones and meditating.
Finally, I decided to continue with my walk.
As I stood to leave and started walking back down the path,
the sound of the creek grew fainter
the farther I walked until by the time I was back on the sidewalk,
it was barely audible.
As I was thinking about this and how sound works,
I was reminded that, in our walk with the Lord,
the closer we are to God the better we can hear his voice.
Often we want to hear God's voice,
but the world is so noisy and chaotic and pulls
us in so many different directions
that It is hard to get close enough to God to truly hear his voice.
We need to be close enough to God that we hear Him loud and clear,
no matter what the world around us sounds like.
Here is the thing, it is always our choice how close we are to God.
God says draw near to me, and I will draw near to you.
Friend, he loves us and wants to talk with us
as much as we desire to hear him.
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