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Showing posts from September 12, 2013

My Life

I was reflecting today, and my mind went to a time when my children were younger.  Our older daughter was probably in first or second grade.  She asked me a question that was in her Sunday school paper.  It was a question that I have never forgotten.  She asked, ā€œHow as being a Christian changed your life?ā€  I have to confess, until that moment, I had not given too much thought to how knowing Christ had affected my life.  As I began to answer the question, I had the joyful realization that my decision to follow Christ had changed my life in some dramatic ways.  First, I had problems learning, and I remember crying out to God to help me learn to read so that I could read the Bible.  God, in his grace, chose to answer that young girlā€™s prayer.  Later, I wanted to go to college.  As I was thinking about colleges, I wasn't sure what I wanted to do, but I knew that I had a desire to go to a Christian college.  My decision to follow God w...