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Showing posts from September 2, 2019

It's a Miracle

Family Camp is over.     To say it was miraculous would be an understatement!  It amazed me how God worked out details that  I could not have done even if I had wanted to try.  It was perfect!  The seeds for this miracle were planted started a year earlier.  I was excited to be on my way to camp,  driving along and jamming to the beat of some  “Christian” music when the thought popped into my head,  “our cabin is so big for the three of us (Ryan and Abby, and I).    So, I asked what seemed for me to be the most logical question,  “What do you want me to do, Lord?”  No sooner had I asked the question than God said,  “Invite your other two children.”  I honestly was not sure how that would work.  One daughter lives in Georgia,  and the other is married and has a job,  so it was a longshot for either of them to be there.  After much thought,  I decided to ask each of them and see what would