Tonight was such a beautiful sunny night that I decided to go for a walk and enjoy the warm summer sun before another wave of rain hits. As I cranked up my music and headed out. I could not help but praise God for the area in which I live. I, quite literally, live 5 minutes from a small town. If I want to walk, I can walk down deserted country roads without driving at all. Yes, I am incredibly blessed. I saw baby bunnies eating grass by the edge of the road and talked with the most friendly Jersey cows. They always walk over to the edge of the fence as I walk by nodding their heads in greeting. There was a deer, in a hurry to catch up with his ādeerā friends I suppose. There were daisies and buttercups, apple trees by the edge of the road and a creek that floods at least once during the spring. I also occasionally see a very friendly donkey and a few horses who always come to the edge of the fence hoping I have sugar for...