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Showing posts from October 26, 2013

Amusement Rides

I love amusement parks!  Every summer I take one day and go to a local amusement park.  We always have a memorable time.  When I was young, I absolutely loved the thrill rides.  As I got older, I didn't ride them as much as I did.  Why?  Well the main reason was fear. I may get hurt, or ā€œgaspā€ die.   Over the past few years, God has been showing me that my fear is ridiculous.  So I faced my fears and began to ride the thrill rides again.  There has been one ride called the exscream that I've held out on riding. I couldn't make myself ride it.  It was too ā€œscaryā€; I still had too much fear.  This past summer, when I went to the amusement park, I decided to bite the fear monster.  As I watched the ride, I could see that it was pretty simple; it lifts you in the air and lets you fall, but it always slows you down before you get to the ground.  So I decided that it was pretty safe, after all I knew how it ended.  A...