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Showing posts from June 23, 2019

I Can Do What I Want

Recently I heard a Christian friend say,  ā€œI donā€™t worry about sinning, because when I sin,  I can ask God for forgiveness, and it will be alright.ā€     This is another one of those statements that make me cringe when I hear it.    Really?    It sounds like you are saying I can do whatever I want because God will forgive me.     This, my friends,  is not Biblical!    It cannot be found in either the Old or New Testament.    In the old testament, the children of Israel were sent into slavery for their sins.    David confessed his sin with Bathsheba,  yet he was punished.    ā€œBut that is the Old Testament and weā€™re not bound by that,ā€ you say.    However, even in the New Testament, this teaching is not there.    Jesus never taught this either.     To the woman caught in adultery, he ...