Today, I went apple picking. Itās one of the fall things that I enjoy even though Iāll be sore tomorrow. I have a friend that allowed me the privilege of picking as many apples as I wanted. What a blessing that was! When I went to her house, she had two apple trees. One tree had small apples that were still kind of green. It didn't look like the apples grew very much. It was plain to see that it was not a good tree. The other tree had huge red apples on it. In fact, there were so many apples, that some of the branches were bent almost down to the ground. It was also just as easy to see that this tree was indeed a good tree. Jesus said that we are like trees and when people look at the fruit, the deeds, they can tell just as easily the whether we are good or bad. Friends, fellow Christians what kind of fruit is your life producing? If you are not sure, ask someone close to you. They can see whether you are bitter, q...