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Showing posts from May 12, 2014

How Is Your Listening Skillz?

You didn’t listen!  I seem to hear this phrase a great deal lately.  I hear it at work, my husband has said it to me and yes, I have said it at times too. In fact, I said it just the other day to my husband as we were running some errands.  Unfortunately, listening seems to be a lost art in our society.  How many of you have ever had someone stop and ask, “Hi, how are you”? And they move on before you can even answer the question.  It seems that everyone is so busy that we don’t really take the time to really talk to people.  We are too busy trying to cram one more thing into an already packed schedule.  Sometimes we just get too distracted.  We ask a question but don’t wait for a response even if we haven’t physically left, we have mentally checked out of the conversation.  I confess I am probably guilty of doing this to my family.  Other times, I am too busy planning what I want to say next to really pay attention to what the other person is saying.  We forget that listen