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Showing posts from November 13, 2021

Thanks for Naps

  Today I want to thank God for rest.   In the busy hurry-up lifestyle in which most of us live, we forget to rest.  Sometimes, we look at busyness as something to be envied. We are taught that this is the way to achieve success.  Make no mistake, I believe in hard work. However, God rested. He rested on the seventh day. In fact, he set rest into The Ten Commandments that's how important that rest is to God. Jesus napped in the bottom of the boat. Peter slept chained between two guards. Jonah slept in a storm. Some days I am up early, and I need a God-ordained nap.  For some even when they are in bed and should be resting errrr..... sleeping, they can't turn their brains off long enough to really sleep. God planned rest into our schedule. Even animals understand the need for sleep.   Babies do not need to be told to sleep, they just do anytime, anywhere. Sometimes when we are irritable, the most God-like thing we can do is put the cares of this world aside and take a nap.  So t