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Showing posts from November 14, 2015

Thank You God for Learning Experiences

Today was a day of learning and stretching.   I attended a craft fair, not as a customer but as a crafter.   I should also add that I have never attended craft fairs as a customer.  I have been knitting scarves for a few years.   On a whim, I entered a craft fair at out church.   I was sure I would fail.  I would come home having spent six hours at a craft fair with nothing more than I had when I started.  I would be a failure.  I got there only to find that others had set up last night.   I got there ten minutes before it started.   Not a great start to a day.   As I looked around, I saw other tables with brightly covered tables, and there is mine with nothing more than the scarves adorning on the table.  I had no idea, before today, how much money I should take with me to make change for the customers.  I have to confess, I felt very discouraged.  But God reminded me that I can make it a learning experience.  So what did I learn?  I learned that I make scarves that are as good, if n