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Showing posts from March 28, 2015

Good Intentions

Growing up, one thing my parent would often say is, ā€œThe road to hell is paved with good intentions.ā€  Way back then, I thought it was a funny saying.   Now as I cross the half-century mark, I realize that it is waaaay truer than I would like to thing or admit.  There have been times in my life, that I have felt the need to give a word of encouragement to a friend, give something to a ministry, or perhaps talk to a friend about God.  Butā€¦. I didnā€™t act right away to the spirits leading, I put it off.  I told myself that I could do it tomorrow.  Do you know what the problem with that philosophy is?  Yepp, tomorrow never gets here.  I had put it off indefinitely.   I watched the opportunity to do a good deed slip right through my hand like sand just because I put it off waiting for a better time.  It was stretching me a bit, and I was uncomfortable.  I am convinced that  the one word that Satan love...