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Showing posts from January 1, 2019

A New Thing

See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?  Isaiah 43:19 Itā€™s January 1st the beginning of a new year.    For most of us, we see it as a chance to begin again, start over, make changes.   Everyone loves the whole idea of a new beginning,  having a clean slate wiped free of yesterdayā€™s failures.    Sadly, by tomorrow or at least next week we will be in the same place we are now.   Our plans for changes financially, emotionally, spiritually will lie in ruins.   Failure will rear its ugly head again.    What happened?   Who knows?  Sometimes we want significant changes that arenā€™t realistic.   And sometimes, letā€™s face it, we canā€™t change no matter how bad we want the change.   We need God to make the changes.   As I was thinking about some changes I wanted to make in my life,...