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Showing posts from October 28, 2013

Shock Absorbers

As I as driving last week, I had to go on a road that was unimaginably bumpy.  I do not think that they had fixed the road in a long time. I was jostled and jolted by the bumpiness of the road.  As I drove, I was thankful that we had good shock absorbers on the car. There were a few times that if I had been taller, I would have bumped my noggin.  Friends, sometimes, through no fault of our own, we hit rough spots in our life; itā€™s bound to happen.  No one is immune to the troubles of this world.  What we need is a shock absorber; like the ones on the car to smooth out the ride, or a screen door to keep it from slamming.  Praise God we have a shock absorber for the potholes of life.  It is God! He holds those who put their trust in him in the palm of his hand.  What a comfort that because of him we can make it through the tough times and come out on the other side of what seemed like a crater unscathed.  We can look back and realize that we...