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Showing posts from December 3, 2018

A Plan

he will crush [ b ]  your head,      and you will strike his heel.ā€  Genesis 3:15 As we begin the Christmas season,   I think it's appropriate to look at the beginning  of a plan.   Way back when Eve introduced sin into the world, God had a plan. A plan to correct the sin problem that we all have. We see it in this verse verse H e will crush   your head,   and you will strike his heel.ā€ I love that, God, knowing we would sin, set a plan in motion. But the plan, though set in motion, took time. It was accurate and detailed. His plan was simple a sinless man taking on the sins of the world. A simple plan, but many years passed. Adam and Eve had long since died and there was no sign of a plan. nothing to even hint that God even remembered the plan. Don't get me wrong, things were happening but was it related to the plan? To the peo...