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Showing posts from January 1, 2014

Not a New Years Resolution to be broken; a prayer to be prayed

We all make New Years resolutions.  If you're like me, they go something like this.  I want to lose weight.  I want to save more money this year than I did last year.  If I'm feeling really "spiritual", I want to read through my Bible, be kinder to others, listen to God and the list goes on.  Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with resolutions and setting goals.  In past years,  I have made them myself. Lately, God has shown me some problems with this way of setting goals. First, why are you waiting untl New Years Day to change a habit.  If God has convicted you about a problem in your life in July are you going to tell God, "sorry I can't do anything about this because it's not January yet"; of course you wouldn't.  If God shows us a problem, we need to set about correcting it right then, not later. Later is simply another way of putting off what we don't really want to deal with. Second, We end up feeling one hundred per