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Showing posts from January 20, 2015

Open Doors

See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut.  Revelation 3:7  Doors, we use them every day.  They are in our houses, and they are on any building that we hope to enter or exit.  From the time we, are six or seven, we have strength enough to open even the heaviest of doors.  This summer my sweetheart and I went to visit some lighthouses.  I was hoping to get to go inside at least one of the lighthouses.  There were three towers and yet every one of them was closed.  The doors were locked.  I could not get inside, no matter how badly I wanted to.  I could kick bang push and possibly open the door, but it would not be easy .  As I read this, God says, ā€œI have placed before you open doors that no one can shut.ā€  Wow!!  Just imagine that God has opened doors, that absolutely no one can shut it.  I love it  He is telling a church or people, whichever you prefer, ā€œI know you are f...