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Showing posts from August 19, 2018

Are You Guilty Of Safe Prayers?

Prayer is essential to me.  I love, love, love talking to God.  However, lately, God has been talking to me, convicting me of my prayer life.  This morning as I was praying, this question was nagging at me, haunting me as though God were asking, ā€œAre you guilty of praying ā€œsafeā€ prayers?ā€ I pray ā€œGod, bless my childrenā€¦  but I donā€™t pray that God would keep them from evil. I pray for God to increase my faithā€¦  but I donā€™t want him to take my job. I pray for God to show me ways to witnessā€¦  but I donā€™t want him to ask me to do something awkward. I ask for healingā€¦  but rarely consider that the illness might be making me more like him.  Yes, I realize I often want safe answers to prayers.  I want sunshine and rose gardens and warm fuzzies.   But I also recognize that, as Christians, what we need to grow is not the safe prayers but the risky ones.  The ones that may involv...