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Showing posts from December 25, 2014

The Gift of Jesus

As I sit here reflecting on yet another Christmas that has come and gone.  The carols were sung, the parties are over, and the gifts have been opened.  Tomorrow many will hit the stores exchanging some of the gifts because there were not what they were expecting, hoping for, or wanting.  One year my darling hubby bought me slippers. No I didnā€™t like them, they were not what I wanted.   I wore them once in desperation.  Now, I LOVE those slippers; they are my favorite slippers. They were exactly what I wanted. Iā€™m sure most of you have had the same experience a time or two. When God took on flesh and became a baby, many people living at that time refused to accept the gift that was lavished on them.  In fact, many are still waiting for the promised messiah.  He didnā€™t come as they were expecting, in royal robes, with worldly power and influence so they cast the gift aside and kept looking for the gift that had been promised.  They c...