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Showing posts from February 13, 2018

The Cat's lesson

I was sick and you looked after me.  Matthew 34:36 Saturday, my plan was to work, relax and then spend Sunday with God and my family.   God interrupted.  I could not get out of bed.   Tummy trouble.   It is winter and many viruses and flu strains have been going around,  so it was not surprising that I would catch something. So while the rest of the family went to church, I laid on the sofa and slept; or tried to. As I napped on the couch, our little kitten,  who generally prefers his own company, came an laid down beside me and kept me company. As I reflected on it later; when I was feeling better,  it occurred to me that I often shy away from visiting people who are sick. I justify it by saying: I don't know what to say I don't know what to do I feel awkward. Yet Jesus said  " I was sick and you looked after me" As I was thinking about this, I realized that this kitten had given th