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Showing posts from August 28, 2019

Take Back The Corners

When I first bought our house twenty plus years ago,  we had a relatively large back yard.  Now, however, the yard is much smaller.  Why?  Did I plant trees?  No.  Did I add a pool or pond?  Nope.  I didn’t even make a pretty Garden.  So, what did happen?  Well, about thirteen years ago, I took a job in a local store.  I worked much of the time,  and so mowing the lawn became everyone’s job.  The problem is that when other’s mow, they don’t like to mow the corners.  It was a small thing, and at the time, it wasn’t worth the fight, so I let it go.   As I was looking at our yard,  I realized that all those years  of not mowing the corners had taken its toll.   What I’m understanding is that it is incredibly easy to give up the edges,  but it’s super hard to take back the corners.  Brush and thickets took over.  Now if I want the corners, I will have to work for it.  Sometime