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Showing posts from August 25, 2013

Ah Ha Moments

 whoever believes  in me will do the works I have been doing,  and they will do even greater things than these,   John 14:12     Yesterday I had breakfast with my husband, daughter and son-in-law when God me gave an ā€œah haā€ moment.  As we were lingering over our beverages, we started talking about a website I had created.  I was explaining what my thoughts and hopes were for the website.  I was hoping to pick up some pointers on how to work a few of the kinks out of the site.  While we were talking, my daughterā€™s husband asked me a question that stopped me in my tracks.  He asked me what I would do if someone wanted to order, what seemed to me, an astronomical amount of the item I was selling.  It was at that moment that I realized that I was not thinking big.  I was thinking sell a few and he was thinking sell a lot.  It was then that I also realized how that thinking can carry over into the spiritual realm...