I sit here this morning with my cup of coffee reading Facebook posts. Most of them were political. Some defending Mr.Trump for things he said on a tape a few years ago; others were defending Ms. Clinton. I long ago gave up trying to decide who is right in the political arena. You foolish Americans! Can you not see that these two candidates mirror the society in which we live? Mr. Trump is brash, speaking and acting without thinking, and vulgar, profanity is as natural as breathing. While I hate it, I am not shocked. I work in retail; I see this kind if thing demonstrated every day by coworkers, and customers. Being sexually lewd is as common in our society as changing your dirty socks or underwear. We should be ashamed of a culture where this is acceptable on any level. Ms. Clinton is no better; she has lied, to deflect disgrace from herself; she has supported the murder of innocent men, women, and children. I abhor, what she has done, but as I look