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Showing posts from September 10, 2013

Epic Fail!

I spent some time yesterday booking hotel rooms for a trip we are planning.  I have done this before, so Iā€™m not completely new to the process, and I usually get through the process without complications; until yesterday.  Somehow, as I was booking the rooms, I did not check over the information as thoroughly as I should have checked.  Later, I was informed that the arrival date was wrong.  Oops!  Not a huge problem, I just have to call and change the date.  When I called to change the date, I found that I had also chosen the smoking section of the hotel.  OOPS!  This apparently cannot be corrected; now Iā€™m stuck.  I also found that the insurance I thought I paid when I booked the rooms did not go through. This means that if we have to cancel we get nothing back.  OOPS!  This time, I failed miserably.   Who among us has not had at least one time when we fail?  We think we are doing well, and then we realize that, f...