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Showing posts from December 11, 2016

Prepare by Obedience

So, I've been asking myself how we prepare our hearts for Christmas. We all know how the "world" gets ready for Christmas. It's often why we get cranky. There are parties, and baking. Let's not forget about shopping and decorations to buy. Finances and tempers are often short, and the lists long. But, how do we prepare our hearts for Christmas? I have to say I am not sure this is a "one answer fits all" question. Yet, as I look at Mary and Joseph, I see one quality in them that might help us in our endeavor to prepare our hearts for Christmas. It called obedience.   If anyone had a good reason for questioning God, it would be them. They took God at his word.   An angel told Mary she would have a baby without being married  and her response is "ok," Elaine's translation.  There was no argument, just obedience. Joseph is told to take Mary as his wife and  went and married her