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Showing posts from April 4, 2014

God Moved Into Our Neighborhood

I donā€™t usually gravitate to the paraphrased versions of the Bible.  I feel that the original meaning may be distorted in the translation and I may be getting manā€™s ideas and not Godā€™s word.  However, in church a short time ago the worship leader read a verse from ā€œThe Message."  It was John 1:14 ā€œThe Word became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighborhood.ā€  As I heard it, I thought WOW! I love the imagery.  The God of the universe became human with all its limitations. As I was thinking about this, I was imagining God living next door to me; working where I work; shopping where I shop.  Going to church where I go to church.  Then God reminded me that he still lives in our neighborhood if he lives in us.  That is an amazing idea.  We are Godā€™s voice, his hands, and his feet to those around us.  I wonder if others see God in us, or do they see just another person who lives and acts and does the same things that they do? ...