As the curtain closes on another mother's day, I am forced to think about the legacy that I have given to my children. I often question what I have taught them. Not whether I have taught them well, somehow we all manage to teach our children well. Butā¦ what we teach them is a different story. I wonder when I have made the final exit from life's stage, what will they carry with them. Did I teach them to stand alone rather than fit in with a corrupted world? Do they know that you can not love the things of this world and God? We either love this world or God. Choose God Did I teach them to love unconditionally? Love should never be dependant on who you are or what youāve done. Did I teach them to defend the weak, the defenseless, the poor and homeless? If I could hear from heaven would they be pleading the causes of those in need or will they have a calloused heart? Did I teach them to forgive, even when itā...