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Showing posts from October 1, 2014

Jesus In Disguise

It had been a looooong day at work and I was tired.  So while the rest of the family got ready and went to a meeting at church, I decided to stay behind and take a breather, to have a little ā€œmeā€ time.   Shortly after they left, my daughter called.  Since I had been debating the idea of going for a walk, I decided I should go for a walk while I talked.  I have managed the art of chewing gum and walking and talking.  I know impressive to say the least.  It was warm when I left so I only had my T shirt on.  In my finite wisdom, I forgot about how quickly it gets cold once the sun sets.  As I walked and talked enjoying a visit with my daughter, I suddenly realized I was starting to get cold and wished that I had thought to bring a jacket or hoodie with me.  Since being cold wasnā€™t on the radar when I left, I was stuck out in the cold with no outerwear.  It was about this time that a car came driving down the berm of the ro...