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Showing posts from February 3, 2014

The Spending Trap

One of the most common pitfalls, concerning finances, in our society today is living beyond our means; to put it simply spending more than you make. Our society with all its technology and ā€œthingsā€ make it easy to spend money we donā€™t really have, plus we are inundated with commercials making sure we know what we can buy. Most of us, me included, have at one time or another fallen into this trap. We see a new gadget and rather than pay the bills; we want to buy that new ā€œtoyā€. Most of the time is a problem of pride. We donā€™t want our neighbors and friends to know that we canā€™t afford everything that they can, and we donā€™t want to admit that they may be doing better financially than us. So we purchase a house way more expensive that we can afford, or we buy a ā€œhigh endā€ smartphone simply because everyone else has one. Iā€™m not saying that itā€™s wrong to have any of these things a nice house, a new car, or even a smart phone or computer if you can afford them. The problem...