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Showing posts from March 21, 2014

Comfort or Growth

ā€œGod cares more about your healing and growth than he does about your comfort."  When I first heard it, I cringed.  The thought unsettled me.  I like to think that God wants me comfortable and happy.  Consequently, I started checking the Bible to see if maybe, just maybe, this person was wrong.  I thought of the Children of Israel at the Red Sea.  He did not give them a get out of trial free card.  Nope, they had to go through the sea.  He wanted them to trust him and not turn back.  I thought of the times in the New Testament when Jesus said things that seemed harsh.  It occurred to me that possibly some of what we see as harshness is only Jesus loving the person enough to care more about their spiritual condition than about their comfort. Wow!  I think we live in a time where we are so afraid of hurting someone that we fail to say what they need to hear.  A few years back, I was pushing 200 pounds.  I would get on the s...