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Showing posts from February 25, 2019

Live Fearlessly

There is a ton of rhetoric floating around about fear.  It reminds everyone not to fear.   We hear and probably have said some of these  ā€œdonā€™t fear,ā€  ā€œFear is like sitting in a rocking chair, it gives you something to do,  but it doesnā€™t get you anywhere.ā€   ā€œThere is nothing to fear but fear itself.ā€    ā€œFear is a liar.ā€   Ironically, I have come to the realization that for many it is just words.   We say, ā€œFear no one,ā€ but we fail to speak because some will be offended.   So, we hold our tongue in fear.    We are free,  but our children canā€™t go to school in safety  because of the increase in school violence.   Consequently, they live in fear.   Parents and teachers held hostage,  at the mercy of the children, they are to mentor and teach.   They wring their hands...