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Showing posts from November 15, 2021

I am Thankful that I have a Panic Button

 Panic alarms.   I love them! When you are in a large parking lot and you can not find your car or remember where you parked, you can push this tiny little button on your key fob  and your car will sound the alarm letting you know where you parked. Today I asked a guy walking into Walmart what he was fixing  and I thought he said he was fixing the panic button.  I saw the humor in the answer he gave and laughed way too hard. As I reflected on the humorous situation, I was reminded that I do have a panic button. So do you. When we get scared, or can't find our way out of situations, we can respond in fear, anger, or temper-tantrums or in some other manner that the world would respond or we can respond by going to God with our problems. I am thankful that God is my panic alarm. When I am afraid, I can trust the one who has gone on ahead to make the way for me.