One thing for which I thank God are those little acts of love. Nothing big or showstopping like leaving a $3,000 dollar tip or running into a burning building for someone. They are small things like a smile, a kind word, letting someone else go first, or holding a door for someone, A hug, or a card. Today, I was encouraged by cards. They were not expensive or valuable, but they were given as a demonstration of love and caring. As I read the words and thought about the people who gave them, I was encouraged and blessed. Often a hug from a friend can take your bad day and make it better. Even just a smile or a kind word can change a person's perspective. They cost little and yet they can be invaluable. Hold the door for someone or let them go ahead of you. A small act of kindness yet it can mean the world to the receiver. The past few weeks I have been showered by little acts of love. They helped to make some sad days happy. They were small things like hugs, cards, sincer