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Showing posts from April 28, 2015

The Unrest In Baltimore

This morning, as I sat in the local coffee shop with a Ć©clair and a cafĆ© mocha I was assaulted by the TV behind me.   The big news was the rioting in Baltimore.  Some were blaming police brutality as the cause of the rioting.  Others were blaming the black mayor and a black President for the rioting because they encourage black people to use force.  Still others faulted the communities in which they grew up as the reason for the rioting; it was because they lived in the ghetto and didnā€™t have two parent families.  The problem is much deeper than ANY of the factors mentioned.  First, I have a feeling that none of us know the whole story.  We know the story that the media has painted FOR us.  We see the picture they WANT us to see.  Second, any one or all of these factors may have contributed to the problem.  As I was listening to these people pointing fingers and blaming each other for the problems in Baltimore; My heart was heavy...