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Showing posts from July 9, 2013

Help! I'm invisible

  Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value  others  above yourselves.  Philippians 2:3 You know youā€™re invisible whenā€¦   You wait in line for your turn, and they skip over you. You swipe your hands under the automatic faucet, and it wonā€™t turn on. Your parents move and forget to tell you. You speak, and no one responds. The waiter comes and takes your food while you are eating. You walk through airport security and no one notices. You donā€™t have a name. You move and no one notices for days. Some of these are funny and yet the stark reality is that, at times, we all feel as though we are invisible.  We feel as if we have a shroud of invisibility wrapped around us.  We have all experienced the sting of being skipped over, forgotten and lost in the shuffle as though we donā€™t exist.  No one enjoys that feeling of being invisible.  God wants us to be concerned with the people aroun...