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Showing posts from February 20, 2015

I Give Up ...

This year more than other years,  I've been hearing and reading about people who are "giving things up" for Lent.  Most of the people that I have heard of are giving up stuff like Facebook, chocolate, movies.  I think I should give up work. Hahahaha ok not really.  I applaud these people. Lent is a time when we are supposed to be preparing for Easter and if "fasting" from something helps you in that endeavor then more power to you.  I would, however, like to suggest that we look at our motives.  I am not writing this to say that these people are wrong in their "fasts".  I have no idea of their motives; that's between them and God and not my business.  I WOULD like to suggest that we test our motives.  Are we giving something up so that we can have more time with God? or just more time, in general?  I  want to urge you/ myself to be sure that if we're hoping to "free up time"  to put the extra time to good use.  Don&#