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Showing posts from January 17, 2016

Oatmeal Cookies Produce Perseverance

Today was a lesson in perseverance, keeping on when I want to quit.   My daughter and I decided to make oatmeal cookies.  Oatmeal raisin cookies to be exact.  My husband loves them so I thought I would make them as a treat. for him.  This would be a quick and easy treat.  We went on the "net" and found a recipe that looked promising. As we were mixing the ingredients, I told Abby to get the brown sugar.  She went to the cupboard and brought over a bag, looked and then said, "Wait, these are beans not sugar.  Back she went to correct the mistake.  A few moments later, I opened a can of milk, only to discover that the milk was sauerkraut.  I caught the mistake before I dumped the sauerkraut in the mix.  We moved on to adding the oatmeal.  I mean, you HAVE to have oatmeal in a oatmeal cookie.  I needed six cups.  I measured four cups and the oatmeal well was dry.  Yikes!! I searched and found some flavored oatmeal packets and started opening them. I managed to get t