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Showing posts from July 7, 2014

Letting Go

As my children have gotten older, I find I have a new struggle, letting go.  These young adults that consumed hours of my time when they were young are now grown and ready to be on their own.  They donā€™t need a parent.  Sometimes, if Iā€™m honest, Iā€™m not ready for them to be on their ownā€¦.. I want them to need me.  There is a part of me that still wants to nurture and protect them.  Some days as I watch them struggle in their life, everything in me wants to come to their aid and shield them from these problems.  As I was lamenting over this with a friend the other day, she reminded me that it is similar to when they are babies and learning to walk for the first time. We watch nervously and joyfully as they try to walk.  We guide them and encourage them.  As adults, they may fall, they may make bad decisions but we shouldnā€™t discourage them from making their own choices and being on their own because they may fall.    I wonde...