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Showing posts from November 10, 2019

Shepherd of the Sheep

Pastors.  Those people set apart for the work of leading the Lordā€™s people.  Most work tirelessly day after day to bring us Godā€™s word.  They often put the needs of their congregation  before their own needs and those of their families.  I know they are not perfect, none of us are.    However, these heroes of the faith are the backbone of the church.  I am thankful that, over the years,  I have had the privilege of getting to know many pastors.  Most of them have been amazing servants of the people  and have been used by God for my training,  teaching,  and sometimes correcting.  I am in your debt.  Thank you for being a good shepherd of the sheep.   Thank you for the pastor's wife  who often works alongside her husband (pastor) in support roles.   You guys are amazing people.