What a roller coaster ride the last twenty-four hours has been! I found out yesterday that my son-in-law is going to join the navy. When I found out, my heart sank. They have only been married a short time, and now they are going to be making more adjustments. I immediately started praying thinking "nothing good can come from this". I tossed and turned all night. My peace was gone. I had let Satan steal my peace. This morning, the anxiety was still there. I know because there was a knot in my stomach and my deep breathing techniques from Lamaze kicked in. Today at work, I was talking with a friend about the situation, and as I was talking to her; God used my own words to restore my peace. I was reminded that my older daughter and her husband started out in a their married life, in the military, and they weathered it just fine. Sometimes just a little talking it out can shed new light on the situation. We ended our conversation with " perhaps it'll be good