As we enter into the Thanksgiving season, letās take the time to contemplate what we have to be thankful for and to whom we give thanks. Often we, as people, tend to focus on problems and what is wrong, rather than what is right. We know that we have been blessed and given much but we, not unlike the Children of Israel tend to see the problems: We have no food; there is no water; there are giants rather than the one who is taking care of us. Anyone reading this has at least a few things that they can be thankful for if we choose to see them. For the next thirty days, I will be posting things for which I believe each one of us can be thankful. I hope that you will join me in coming with a thankful heart to God. I am thankful for God , My shield, My creator, My defender The one who is greater And loves each of us With undying love. He wakes us each morning Causes us to sleep in peace. He holds our h...