One of my favorite things is chocolate. Any kind of chocolate, as long as it's good. One kind of chocolate is called bittersweet. It is definitely the best for cookies if they last long enough to get them made. Today is a bittersweet day. It is Good Friday, the day that my Lord was crucified. He willingly suffered a death that most of us canāt even imagine. The truly amazing part is that he knew ahead of time that this would happen and yet made the choice to pay that price. He chose death. He suffered this death for people that that did not love him. He said there was no greater love than this that a man lay down his life for his friends. Do you know what that means? He called us friends, when we were still separated from him by sin for surely there was no greater love that the love Jesus demonstrated by his death on the cross. That is amazing. As I think of the price that Jesus paid to build a bridge so we could get to him,...