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Showing posts from March 17, 2019

God Waits

Today our cat ran outside.    Midnight loves to be outside.   So, we let the cat stay out for a while.     It got dark, and my daughter became concerned.   She wanted her kitty safe in the house.    The problem is that midnight was not ready to come back inside the confines of our home. He wanted to chase birds and other animals.   No amount of coaxing could persuade the wayward cat to step one foot inside that door.    I went outside to catch him, but that too failed.   Cats are, generally, faster than people and cannot be snared easily.   Finally, I gave up came in and sat down in my chair saying that if he loved us,  he would come back in when he was ready.   Yes, it hurt, and it was scary.   I wanted him to choose to come in, but I couldnā€™t force him to make that decision.  I...