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Showing posts from December 15, 2021

Joy In Waiting For Christmas

I love Christmas!!!  Let me say it again, ā€œI love Christmas.ā€  Sometimes, even now as an adult, itā€™s hard for me to wait until Christmas.   There is so much excitement in the air.  Itā€™s almost impossible to wait to give those we love that one-of-a-kind gift. We canā€™t wait to see the joy in their eyes and on their face when they open the gift and see what you picked up for them.  In fact, for some waiting is so difficult that they give the gift early because the anticipation is so great that they do not have the self-discipline to wait.  Itā€™s also challenging to wait for those gifts that you know others chose for you with love.  Little Children awaken at the crack of dawn in anticipation of those treasures that they know are waiting for them under the tree.  Way back in Genesis, God promised to send a savior who would bridge the gap between Him and man that sin had created.  God, however, d...