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Showing posts from March 31, 2019

Building a House

ā€¦ like a wise man who built his house on the rock. I love a DIY project.  I have built a closet, put down new flooring.   I love the feeling of a finished project that turns out well.   I have never physically built a house,  but I am sure even a simple dwelling would be hard work.   As I was reading today,  I read about what Jesus said about The wise and the foolish man.    He said that the wise man builds upon a rock,  but the stupid man builds his house upon the sand.   I get the fact that a boulder is solid and unshakeable,  and that sand shifts around moved by its surroundings.    What burned within me was how easy it is to build on the sand  compared to constructing anything on a rock.   Rocks are solid and putting holes in it to anchor a house to it would not be an easy job.    I was remi...