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Showing posts from January 17, 2014

God Doesn't Care

My brothers,  show no partiality as you hold the faith in our Lord Jesus Christ  Recently, I took a trip that required flying.   When they called our flight, I was at the gate ready to board.  Do you know I had to wait!  See I thought that the first ones there boarded first.  As it turns out, the ā€œpreferredā€ customers got to board first.  Since I was not a preferred customer, I had to wait while the special customers got on the plane, and I had to ā€œget my tail on the tailā€.  The airline made distinctions and treated some customers better because they had more money and could pay for better treatment.  It doesn't just happen at airlines; it happens at school when some kids are treated differently by other kids because they canā€™t afford designer clothes, or aren't as smart as others, so teachers treat them differently.  Perhaps itā€™s a theater or a ball game, and you canā€™t afford a nice box seat, so you have to sit in the no...