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Showing posts from October 19, 2015

A friend

There is a word that means a great deal to me.  It is the word friend.  We use it frequently on social media.  But in real life, I wonder how often we use the word to describe someone.    I have to admit that I donā€™t use the word very often.  When I was young, I used it all the time.  Now I tend to save it for special people.  I love everyone, and yet, I donā€™t always feel like I have to right to consider everyone my friend and not everyone wants to be my friend.  There have been a few times in my life when I have used the word ā€œfriend to describe someone.   Occasionally, I have had people use the word to describe me.   I have to confess, it made me feel special, wanted, loved.    One lady that I wait on regularly at work will often say, "How is my friend today?"  It makes my heart 10 times lighter when she says that.  It seems that the word ā€œfriendā€ creates a special connection between two people.  It...