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Showing posts from February 17, 2018

Laws or Guns?

There was another shooting at a high school in Florida a few days ago.  Every time this happens we get deluged with some people yelling that we need stricter  gun laws and other people saying make sure teachers and administrators have guns. Me? I'm not convinced either side is right. But I do know this: There are many laws concerning guns and gun use already in place. The shooters don't care about gun laws or the law in general.  should we arm the teachers with guns? It may help, but remember the shooters go into a building prepared to die so this will not stop them only slow them down. The problem is not more guns or more laws. What we need is people unafraid to live like a Christian. People unafraid to invade your neighbor's life, not to criticize but to help and lift them up. People unafraid to live without things so they can be home more instead of buying that lie that we are making a better life for our kids. Most of us grew up with