Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will fin d; knock and the door will be opened to you . I have a horrible habit of losing and or misplacing things. I pick something up and set it down in another place often without realizing that I am doing it, or better yet put it in a safe place so Iāll find it again only to forget the āsafe place." It was safe all right, so safe that I can no longer find it. Sometimes, I will tear the house apart looking for a lost item and other times I will search for a bit, but give up and move on. Once, I lost my car keys and I searched under cushions, on the bed, and pockets of coats; I looked and scoured the whole house looking for those keys. I was desperate to find the keys. Sometimes, I lose something as simple as a pen. I rarely even bother to look for it. I have other pens so I will get another, itās not too important to me to find a pen. We all tend to seek only the things that are ...