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Showing posts from July 23, 2013

Invest; Choose Love

ā€œA new command I give you:  Love   one   another . As I have loved you, so you must  love   one   another .  John 13:34 On Saturday, my sweetie and I celebrated our 28th wedding anniversary.  Over the years, believe it or not, my sweetheart has done some things that irritated me and yes even hurt me.  I also realize that, on occasion, I have done the same thing to him.   I can choose to let small petty things bother and damage a relationship or I can choose to let them go and forgive.  However, we often hold on to those hurts and then they fester and poison the relationship.   Whether itā€™s a spouse, a coworker, a parent, child, or someone else we choose to extend love or not.  I know itā€™s not a popular thing to say, but especially in marriage, love is definitely a choice; an investment into another person. Jesus tells his disciples ā€œyou must love one anotherā€.  The word Jesus uses is must, not oug...