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Showing posts from December 20, 2015

A Response to the Christmas Story

Responses, we all have them.   It's how we act, or react, in a given situation.  In the Christmas story, There are many different reactions.  Mary and Joseph humbly accepted the news of the baby  Jesus without questions.  The story says that Mary was troubled- I think terrified would be an appropriate word- yet they submit to God's plan for them.  Mary "treasured all these things that happened in her heart."  She, as a parent, never forgot that day, but she thought about them.  I imagine, she wanted to understand; to see the big picture.   Herod heard the news of the birth of a king and was "greatly troubled."  His reaction was to kill all the boys in the vicinity that were under three years old.  He was upset, and he made everyone else upset as well.  He was not going to let someone else be king.  And what of the innkeepers, who had no place for the baby and turned them away; leaving Mary and Joseph to have their baby in a stable.  Their reaction